Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break!

Well, it's that time of year again. The time of year that I look at the calendar, my heart starts beating really fast, and I realize that there are only nine weeks of school left, minus one for spring break this week! Wow! Where in the world did the school year go? I'm going to be sad when the school year is over, mostly for my buddy Brooks. He has the greatest teacher this year, and LOVES school! He has said several times that he never wants summer to come! No wonder this teacher has won all sorts of awards; kids who don't want summer break--unheard of! Anyhow, we don't have any grandiose plans for spring break--except for spring cleaning! Aren't the kids going to love me for that one?????
This week's menu:
Monday: Chicken Cordon Bleu (I substitute Simply Apple for the wine), brown rice, stir fried green beans with garlic and lime
Tuesday: Sloppy Joes, chips, veggie tray
Wednesday: Cauliflower soup, cheese toasties and spinach salad
Thursday: Tacos and apricot smoothie (This smoothie is a fun memory from my youth! And it must be served every time we have tacos :) Take a quart bottle of apricots, dump it in your blender and add a tray of ice cubes. Tastes like apricot nectar--yum!)
Friday: Creme Brulee French Toast, fresh raspberries, grilled ham, spinach salad. (Thanks for the shout-out on this recipe Tricia, I can't wait to try it!)
Saturday: Mom's Night Off! :)
Sunday: Turkey breast, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, brocolli


Leslie said...

YUMMY! And I am so happy I am not the only one keeping my kids home for Spring Cleaning! No choice here...lots of remodeling going on and I have to be here.
I am dying to know who Brooks has for a teacher? I am so new at Oak Hills that I don't know much. Let me know!

Bump and Erin said...

That is so funny about the apricot smoothie because we canned apricots every summer and practically lived on the same smoothies for breakfast with toast all winter long! :) Definitely a taste of my childhood.

McKennah said...
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McKennah said...

have a nice spring break! tell keaton i said hi and tell him to check his email! :)

(by the way i had to delete the comment above because i messed up :))