Sunday, April 10, 2011

Is it really April?

If you were to look out my window anytime in the past few days, you would definitely question whether it is April or January! Seriously, we accumulated about 8 inches of snow in the past 3 days! We had to put the truck into four wheel drive to get home from dinner last night! Is it really April? The calendar tells me so, I'm still waiting for the proof! Here's my menu for the week:
Monday: Tuscan Garlic Chicken, fettucine and broccoli
Tuesday: Chayote Soup, quesadillas and spinach salad (I love trying new things and my friend gave me some chayotes from her Bountiful Basket this week. We'll see how this soup goes over!)
Wednesday: Brown Sugar Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and steamed green beans
Thursday: Potluck with some friends who are visiting from Hawaii. I think I'll make my favorite Dinner Rolls
Friday: Tuna melts and my bottled tomato soup! Yum!
Saturday: Mom's night off :)
Sunday: Grilled steak, grilled vegetables, quinoa and spinach salad.

1 comment:

Jill said...

That Tuscan Garlic Chicken looks a little wicked, but deliciously so!

And, I'm surprised your favorite dinner rolls aren't Grandma Darrington's (confession: my favorite is a different recipe, too). Do you think we'll still be invited to the family parties?