Friday, January 9, 2009

So, here I am. After much contemplating I've decided to venture into the world of blogging. I've had a few avid supporters (ie Jenni & Vicky), and a husband who loves it when I find some new use for the Imac he gave me--so thank you and here I go....
I have a LOVE TO COOK theme in my kitchen, because I really do love it! I especially like to try new dishes, specifically with an International flair. Indian food has been my passion as of late, and luckily I have a great fan base at home. They love it when I try new recipes, even though we have had a few taste disasters! My thoughtful husband gave me hundreds of dollars worth of international spices this year for Christmas, so I have had a great time! My goal is to cook one new recipe each week this year, and post the best of them here! I'd love it if you tried them out, cooking is the most fun when you share it!
My first dish isn't much to look at, but if you like curry you will love this soup! My family gave it a five out of five. Enjoy...


Marisa said...

I like it mom!

Keaton said...

Your food tastes SOOOOO good!!!!!!!!

Jen said...

Yea! We love it. Glad you started blogging!

I'm excited to have new recipes to try :) I need your love for cooking to rub off on me!

Michelle said...

Welcome to the blogging ranks! The recipe looks great; I'll let you know what we think when I give it a go.

Aprilyn said...

Welcome to the blogging world. I have a blog too. It's at:

Maybe I'll try one of your recipes but not one with curry in it. I'm a WIMP!!! I bet it was good though. Tonight we're having regular old tacos. That's about as creative as I get.