Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Day of School

The first day of school was a first for all the boys this year. I thought I might have a stress attack as I sent all of my boys to new schools. Keaton started Jr. High, Chase and Brooks moved over to our boundary school, and Landon started pre-school. They have all adjusted amazingly well...why did I doubt??? They're all great kids and make friends so easily. Here are the first day of school pictures, such handsome boys!


Kako said...

Oh My Lands! Your kids are so darling and so grown up. What happened? Wasn't it just last year that we were in Guam? I loved your vacation, I'm going to tag it to remember for some future date. What a beautiful family you have!

Jen said...

Love it! The vacations sounds like a hoot! I love the idea of an adventurous vacation a year. I'd say visit us for your next vacation, but we're definitely not exciting enough :)